Tuesday, March 2, 2010

A Trip to the Dentist

"Oh, no!!!! I've broken a tooth!!!! Oh good grief, it's next to my front one!!!!"

I had to go to see Doctor Rafael Rodriguez, Ray's dentist. I confess, I'm a complete dental suck. Once the appointment has been made everything in my life evolves around that day and time. Like someone on death row I guess.

I arrive early in case he isn't there and I can leave but he is waiting on the sidewalk for me. He shakes my hand and we enter his waiting area. A small room with two concrete benches. I think there were cushions on them two years ago but not any more. There is no receptionist. No hygienist to hold my hand and say,"How are you doing? We're almost done. You're doing great!!" This guy doesn't even speak English!!!!

I tell Ray, "If you hear me yell, break down the door, jump on your mighty steed and come rescue your woman!!!!" Yeah, right.

I sit in the chair and the first thing he does is give me a serviette. "No thanks, I've had breakfast." Then I remember the last time I was here and recall there is not a sucking snake in your mouth and you have to continually spit. As you may recall, last time I was here, I spat with such gusto it flew out of the bowl, hit the wall and ran down to the floor. I try to spit with class. I must have done about 100 sit ups/spit ups. Great exercise.

He drills and drills and drills. I feel the tooth and freak to realize it is now tiny!!!!!! I liked it big and matching the other side!!! Then I hear the drill behind me. "Oh my God. He's going to start drilling through the back of my head!!!!"

After he has applied a liberal amount of porcelain, the tooth now feels immense. Lots of more drilling and I'm done. He gets his little mirror and I get to see this lovely looking tooth. I'm done. I'm free. I can make plans for Christmas and I didn't even need freezing!!!!!

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