Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Giving Back to San Blas

Thank you to everyone who has bought or will buy scarves from me in the past. I knit the scarves, sell them for $10 each and all the proceeds go to buy vitamins for children in San Blas. This year I brought down enough vitamins for 25 children to take one a day for a year. It was so much fun to go this year and to see how some of the kids had grown since last year!!!! It was really amazing.

I went with my friend Trini who speaks no English. We started off well at 4:00 p.m. with her talking really slowly and me understanding but by past 8 when she took me home, she was chatting away and I was hopefully making all the right gestures. That is one of the problems I have here. I'm so good at looking like I understand that everyone thinks I understand everything and I just nod and smile when I think it is appropriate and it is really working too well!!!!! Most of the time, I don't understand what is being said. I just look like I understand!!! I fake it well.

Now, this is a pot hole!!!! Thank goodness we were in a 4 wheeldrive vehicle. The roads in this part of San Blas are not maintained. Obviously!!!!!! Lots of fun!!!!

As you look at these pictures, notice the backgrounds. These are the houses that these families live in. They were very happy to see me again this year. I gave every family a picture of themselves from last year and that was fun for them too.
I also have a suitcase of clothes that I wanted to give to these families but Trini was not very giving and explained to me a number of times that she knows families that are much poorer and we are going to go there on Wednesday at 4 to give them away. My neighbour Ramona has a huge pile of clothes to add to mine so we have quite a contribution to make. This should be fun.
It is interesting to me that this year I felt fine after doing the vitamin delivery. Last year I was devistated and depressed. Not so this year. I guess I knew what to expect and there were improvements in houses and more smiles than last year.

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