Saturday, April 3, 2010

The Last Post of Winter 2010

As I look back over the blog for Winter 2010, I can't help but notice that there are a few important features of San Blas that you haven't been introduced to. The heart beat of the town is the main plaza or centro There are constantly events going on here day and night. I know we miss a lot of them even though we only live a few blocks away.

This is the Municipal building where local government is conducted from getting your Internet connected to paying bills and fines.

Most Mexican towns have a church as part of the plaza. This one has been reconstructed on the outside during the last few years. It's looking good!!!

Many local people come to the plaza to sit and visit with friends. Pigeons are fed by a few people. The geode was a gift from a twinned town that has many of them. Strange but true!!!

Finally, the new presidente has implemented free hair cuts for any one who wants to get one. What a unique idea!!! I took my chances with Marta.
And that is it for Winter 2010. It was a wonderful winter. We loved it and we will be back!!
Muchos Gracias San Blas!!!!

Just a Few More Bits and Pieces

I had three of these not so little visitors the last week in San Blas. I hear they don't bite BUT I wasn't taking any chances. A fly swatter or a can of Raid like material took real good care of them!!! Did I tell you that I found a tequila for $1.63 a liter??? Not bad either.

This iguana lived on our roof. I had seen it a number of times and then one day I say it's great grandfather measuring in at 3-4 feet. Good grief, I had no idea they could get that big!!! Why did all of this happen after Ray left? Too much excitement!!!!

Here my friend Marta is cutting my hair. Yes, that's right the hotel owner not the hair stylist!!! She kept insisting the price was right as it was free. As Marta always says, "Thanks be to God!!"

This is the delightful man that brought little mini-bananas to our house. He sang,"Platinos" as he walked up and down the streets of San Blas selling his wears. He also sometimes has bags of cut cactus or hermika for making tea.