On a much happier note, on Wednesday we discovered this San Blas gem, Pizzapan. We had tried to buy a pizza here the week before but after I had called,"George, George!" and no one responded we went somewhere else for dinner. I later learnt that his name is Roger!!!! They are supposed to open from 4-10 but in actuallity he opens closer to 6. The pizza is outstanding. Possibly the best I ave ever eaten. We tried the Suprema, mediana for 95 pesos. Roger told us he will deliver if you live close. In San Blas, I think that could be anywhere I would think.
To find Pizzapan go along the road out of town past Kane. Turn right at the next street. Pizzapan is right there on your right and the phone number is 323 116 84 96. Give this young man some business. I believe you will be very happy!!!!
November 20th is one of the biggest celebrations in Mexico. It is celebrating the Day of Revolution and if you want to know all about it, Google it!!! The parade was supposed to start at 10 so we were taking our time getting there as most things start late here but as we rode towards the town center it had already started!!!!! It was fantastic with a huge assortment of floats, acts and entertainment. We started watching from the street and then moved upstairs to the balcony of the San Blas Social Club. I was having to lean over people to get pics until this lovely young guy parted his people and put me at the front so I could get some good shots and that is just one of many reasons why I have loved San Blas in the past.
Instead of Where's Waldo? Can you find Jora our American friend?
Everyone stopped infront of us to perform for the judges sitting under this tent on the right.
They walked for blocks in these amazing costumes. Gorgeous!!!!
The other morning we walking through the dining room on our way out. Ray was in front. I stopped as I always do to go through the good morning ritual. I always want to know what they are having to eat as I have smelt it upstairs and don't always recognize the smell. This particular morning there was something in the bowls I'd never seen before. When I asked I discovered it was cow stomach and ofcourse I was asked to try it!!!! "Oh look Ray they are eating cow stomach and we can have some. Ray? Ray? Where are you?" Couldn't see the wise man or his dust!!!!
When we ride down the roads they are often narrow and lined with cars. We do always ride in the same direction as traffic now and I have suggested that we both ride on the same side of the road so that the guy behind us does not have to decide which one of us to hit!!!!
This situation we are in here is much like a love affair. Many of you have heard me say that I have fallen in love with San Blas and as happens between people, when you first fall in love you tend to ignore the flaws and only see the positive. Time passes and some of the flaws grate on you a little more and then one day there is a big event and the preverbial hits the fan and you decide that's it, no more!!! It is time for a divorce and after that moment everything confirms your decision. That is what we are going through with San Blas. We will he here for just over two more weeks and then we are moving out of the winter home. It has been wonderful but sadly it is coming to an end.
What is next? Well on Dec.8th we are taking the bus to Rincon de Guayabitos two hours south where I have us booked into an all incluse for two nights. Figure by then we will have had enough of that life style!!!! If we like Guayabitos, we will return on Dec. 30th and if not I believe we are going to Florida!!!! We have two great offers. Our nephew is willing to put up with us for two weeks on the east coast and friends have offered us their house and a car on Sannibel Island. If you want to add an invite to the list please feel free!!!!!
Til next time, smile, we are truly blessed just to have what we have and to have the choices in life that we have. Love to you!!!